Ballet Is . . .

a highly skilled theatrical art using movements of the body in a very disciplined manner to attain the visual aesthetics of grace, fluidity, flexibility, self expression and emotion.  There are three major styles of ballet:  Cecchetti (Italian), French Ballet, Russian Ballet.  Ballet is usually performed to classical music and the dancers wear a tutu and soft leather shoes. Over the years, other styles of ballet has come about such as modern and lyrical. These styles use music that is more modern and the movements are more expressive to the words and sounds of the music.  The dancers of these styles wear flowy more dress like costumes and lyrical shoes or bare foot.

Ballet classes are for ages 5 through adult  and utilize the Cecchetti Method of instruction.  Students will also learn the french terms used in ballet. 

The following are a few of the steps that students will be learning in each level:

K-Ballet:  (basic ballet for 5 year olds)  they will learn 2 positions of the feet, 3 positions of the arms, 2 port de bras (arm movements), Plie', Eleve', tendu, grand battment, saute', chasse', skipping, ballet walk, curtsey, rhythms, musicality, and patterns.

Level A:  (Beginner) counting in french, 2 positions of the feet, 5 positions of the arms, 2 port de bras (arms movements), review basic steps of K-Ballet, passe', rond de jambe, bouree, pas de chat, arabesque, chaine', grand jete'.

Level B:  (Beginner/intermediate) 4 positions of the feet, 7 positions of the arms, 2 arabesques, releve', attitude, developpe', balance', changement, pas de bouree, chaine',  jete' soutenu turn.

Level C:(Intermediate) 9 positions of the arms, 5 arabesques, attitude in all directions, echappe' releve', frappe', degage' en releve', jete', fouette arabesque, pique arabesque,  passe' releve', pas de basque, sissonne,  pirouette, pas de bouree turn, developpe' grand jete', grand jete' fouette, tour jete'.

Level D: (Intermediate/advanced)  penchee arabesque, fondu developpe, petit battment en releve', sissonne assemble', pique battu, balance' sur le cou de pied, demi-contretemp, ballonne' releve', jete' battu, coupe' ballonne', assemble' battu, temp de cuisse, cabriole, chaine emboite, attitude tour, pas de valse tour,  pique tour en dedan.

Level E: (Advanced)  fondu developpe' en releve', pas de papillon, fouette releve', ballonne' trois temp, sissonne fondu, cabriole entournant, tour jete' battu,  fouette saute arabesque entournant, sissonne double' develope', pas de bouree pique entournant, flic flac, renverse', coupe' ballonne tour.

Level F - I: (Advanced/Professional)  revoltade, pirouette trois, assemble entournant battu, 5 variations of renverse', grand fouette entournant en releve', tour jete en grand jete', grand  rond de jambe en l'air en releve', 3 entrechats, 6 royales, fouette arabesque entournant en releve', 2 grand pas de basques, temp de fliche, temp de poisson, temp de lange, 2  ballottes, gargouillade, brise'.