The Instructor will do her best to ensure that your child's dance classes are a positive learning experience. Through dance your child will gain an awareness of body movement, strength, flexibility, body control, grace, and hopefully be able to come to terms with his/her own capabilities physically and enjoy the many aspects dance has to offer.

All classes/dance forms are grouped into levels and are taught in a sequential manner.  Students will learn patterns in each level utilizing the steps from that level.

Classes Offered (Dance Forms)
Click on the underlined dance form below to learn more about gradework, techniques taught, and more!

Tiny Tutu 4--(ages 4) pre-ballet and tumbling instruction, work on gross motor skills.  Class length:  30 minutes. 

Ballet--(ages 5 - adult) Cecchetti technique, extensive sequential training.  Class length: 30 minutes (ages 5-7), 45 minutes (ages 8 up - if number of students drops to 4 or less, then class will be 30 min.).

Pointe--(ages 12 and up) Cecchetti technique, extensive sequential training. Private lesson only.  Class length: 30 minutes.  Students must pass a pointe test for this training and have completed three years of ballet training. Required to take a Ballet class in addition to private class through the first year of pointe work.

Partnering--(ages 13 up) Dances with a male perfoming lifts/stunts with the female dancer.  Usually a pointe/ballet routine, however, partnering can be utilized in jazz dances.  Class length:  45 min.  The male performer is not required to dance and will wear slacks and a dress shirt for  performances.  If the male performer is only doing lifts, he is not charged a dance fee.  If the male performer is learning dance steps, he is charged at the semi-private rate.  Students must have at least two years dance experience in the dance style that they will be partnering in.

Tap--(ages 6 - adult) techniques from several leading tap Masters.  Class length:   30 minutes.

Jazz--(ages 6 - 7 ) American Standard Jazz technique and other leading jazz Masters. Class length:  30 minutes (jazz moves are kept "clean" and appropriate for the age of the student.

Jazz/Street Dance Combo–-(ages 8 - adult) the latest street styles in hip hop, funk, pop & lock.  The same moves seen on music videos, commercials, and TV shows.  (All moves are kept "clean" and appropriate for the age of the student.) Class length: 45 minutes - if number of students drops to 4 or less then class will be 30 min. 

For more information on this year's class schedule, please visit our Schedule Page!

Class Placement--Students are placed in specific class levels according to age then ability. Birthday cut off is Sept. 1st. The instructor also takes into consideration class attendance, attitude, and how well the student keeps up with their current level.

Class Limit--minimum is 3.  Any classes that dwindle down to 2 students will be charged at semi-private rate  (See semi-private lessons) or can move into another class.

Private & Semi-Private Lessons (As the schedule permits) are available in all styles of dance for ages 12 years (7th grade) and up and they must have at least two years experience in the dance style they are wanting private lessons. These lessons are for those students who are very serious about dancing and attendance to lessons is important. Those who miss more than 2 classes in a row (without notice) will give up their time slot to the person next on the waiting list. Private lessons are scheduled around regular dance class schedule and the advanced students get first choice of class day/time. Those taking private lessons have the option of doing a solo in the spring recital and the traditional Christmas show. Private lesson students are allowed only ONE private OR semi-private class (once the schedule is set and there are days/times available, then I will consider a student doing more than one).  

Attendance is of utmost importance to learn the dance and work on proper technique. I will no longer make up any classes missed/cancelled by the student nor will I allow switching of classes with other students.  I WILL make up any classes cancelled for bad weather or classes that I cancel.  

Partnering classes are mandatory 45 minute class time.

Students who arrive late to class will not be given extra time at the end of their allotted class time as I have other classes and must keep on schedule. Time lost for arriving late will not be made up.

Semi-Private Classes: If one student cancels/misses a class, the class WILL be held and the attending student will get a 15 min. private lesson to review any gradework/choreography/technique training. 

Class Attendance--Good attendance is imperative, as absences and tardiness can hold back an entire class. When a student misses class due to illness, they may make it up by attending another class. You may choose a class, from the schedule, that is the same or lower level, see Schedule page. You're make up day can be during a week of your choosing. If during the year, only one child shows up for class, the class time will be half the regular time as they are essentially getting a private lesson. Students who have taken classes from me for 5 or more consecutive years are given special recognition at recital time and receive a rose.

Classroom Rules--The following are guidelines that will be used in class to maintain classroom control and discipline:
    Proper Behavior:  
  • Stay on assigned spots, unless told otherwise.  
  • Keep your hands to yourself.   
  • Be quiet while teacher is talking.  
  • Cooperation and Participation.  

  • Warning
  • Sit in chair
  • Call parent.                                                                             
  • If parent is called more than 2 times, the child may be taken out of class permanently.

Dropping out of Dance Classes–The parent of a student, who wishes to drop out of any or all dance classes, must contact Sherry, by phone or in writing.  Hearsay from another student or another parent will not be accepted.  You will continue to be responsible for payment of dance fees and adhere to all policies until owner is notified.

Parent Observation–Parents may observe the last 10 minutes of the last class prior to a show. Parents will be allowed into the classroom and may video tape! If you have any questions/concerns about your child's behavior/performance in the classroom, please set up an appointment to discuss it with me as I cannot take up the class time of others!

    To  register:  click on REGISTRATION button in the menu bar.

Classes Offered